Saturday, March 1, 2025

Hapū and Greenpeace back to court for stricter hydrogen rules

Greenpeace laid out a huge banner next to Ballance’s Kapuni plant in July as it campaigned against synthetic nitrogen fertiliser including urea. Photo / SuppliedSome hapū of Ngāruahine are heading to the Appeal Court with Greenpeace to seek tighter controls on a plan to make hydrogen from wind-powered electricity in South Taranaki.Hiringa Energy wants to build four 206-metre tall wind turbines at Kāpuni, powering a plant to make hydrogen, which would be used as an ingredient to make urea at the adjacent Ballance fertilizer factory.Hiringa says it will shift the hydrogen use over five years to power heavy vehicles instead, replacing diesel with a carbon emission-free alternative.But the hapū and Greenpeace say there’s nothing in the resource consent to stop Hiringa using the hydrogen to make nitrogen fertiliser for decades.Hiringa Energy did not respond to requests for comment…

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