Saturday, March 1, 2025

Transmitter batteries of lost Ridley turtles died 570 days sooner

Researchers from the state-run Mangrove Foundation of Maharashtra, who have reportedly confirmed losing contact with three of the five Olive Ridley turtles tagged with transmitters, said it is possible that the inbuilt battery of the device exhausted 570 days earlier than expected (the lifespan of the battery is 700 days).After having their location actively transmitted for 130 days, the testudines (scientific name) were lost – while one is thought to have perished, the devices of the other two are not responding; they were stuck to the shells with a special resin. The third turtle, named Saavani, stopped responding as recently as June 5.Regarding the battery life of the transmitter, Mangrove Foundation of Maharashtra’s marine biologist Harshal Karve said, “We are speculating that the cause of the lost connection is battery exhaustion.”Under the sea turtle conservation…

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