Last month, Mexico announced the intent to create, in its capital, what would be the world’s largest solar farm to date. The 18-megawatt, US$19.9 million project, which is expected to come to fruition later this year, involves covering the roof of the Central de Abasto market with solar panels that will power not only its 10,000-odd businesses (stalls), but also thousands of nearby homes. Central de Abasto market, a wholesale centre touted as one of the largest markets in the world, sits on 810 acres.Mexico’s state-run Comisión Federal de Elec-tricidad (Federal Electricity Commission) has designed and will operate the market solar installation in a surprising turnabout from a government that had previously placed much importance on fossil fuels. With a production figure of 1.9 million barrels a day in 2020, Mexico is listed among the largest oil producers in the world; the top…