swabi – Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) has inaugurated 197 kW state of the art Solar Energy Mini-Grids projects in District Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The project completed with the financial support of German Development Bank (KfW) in the the village Jabba. The completion of the project would not only help in socio-economic mainstreaming of around 801 individual, residing in the off-grid areas but also serve to conserve natural resources.
The solar energy mini grids are providing a renewable and a sustainable source of electricity to local schools, lighting up households and enabling small enterprises in the poorest communities. Amongst others, Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany’s First Secretary Antonia Peters , KfW Islamabad Director Sebastian Jacobi, PPAF COO Nadir Gul Barech, local elders and members of civil society organisations…