Ratings agency ICRA has estimated Indian green hydrogen will cost that much if produced at sites featuring clean energy generation capacity and electrolyzers. That is between 50 US cents and a dollar per kilogram cheaper than in locations where the two systems are not co-located, with the saving possible due to a reduction in open-access, intra-state grid charges. March 8, 2022 Uma GuptaUS-owned ratings agency ICRA has estimated green hydrogen can be produced for $5 per kilogram at Indian sites where renewables generation capacity and electrolyzers are co-located.A study, by Gurgaon-based ICRA, calculated the cost per kilogram would rise between 50 US cents and a dollar if electrolyzers are powered by off-site renewables wheeling electricity via intra-state grids, with the cost of such clean electricity estimated at INR3.50/kWh, including wheeling and transmission charges.To minimize…