Pecho LD Energy Storage LLC, an affiliate of Hydrostor, has filed its Application for Certification (AFC) with the California Energy Commission (CEC) for development of a 400 MW, 3200 MWh energy storage facility located in San Luis Obispo County, California, US.
The Pecho Energy Storage Center will deploy Hydrostor’s proprietary Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage (A-CAES) solution. The state-of-the-art project will provide large scale, long-duration energy storage for the region with no fossil fuel consumption and no greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. With commercial operation date (COD) as early as 2026, Pecho will play a vital role in helping meet the region’s future energy supply and reliability needs after the retirement of the 2200 MW Diablo Canyon Power Plant in 2024/2025.Pecho’s ability to…