Charging is boring and is easily the part of technology, and certainly photography, that I think the least about. But after using the Bronine Volkit, I honestly can say that has changed. The Bronine Volkit originally landed on our radar nearly exactly a year ago when it hit Kickstarter. It is what is described as a free voltage charging device that uses a main center hub that plays host to up to four interchangeable charging modules at a time. Bronine called it an “AI charger” because it is able to analyze a battery and automatically adjust the voltage to charge that specific battery at between one and 15.6 volts. At the time, I called it a stretch to consider this technology “AI,” but was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. Bronine sponsored this Showcase so that we could see the finished product, and sent over two of its Volkit hubs (the two-port and the